High Fever
While most fevers are caused by the body fighting an infection, there can be many other causes.

When is a fever dangerous?

Go to the nearest ER or call 9-1-1 if you experience:

  • A fever of 104 degrees or above
  • Stiff neck
  • Confusion or dizziness
  • Irritable or erratic behavior

A high fever can be a result of any of the following conditions:

  • Infections - may be serious; commonly found in ear, skin, throat, lungs, kidney or bladder
  • Cold or flu - typically result in fever at or below 104 degrees in adults
  • Bronchitis - inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from your lungs
  • Strep throat - bacterial infection in the throat and/or tonsils, can generate high fevers in children and adults
  • Urinary tract infections - typically with low- or moderate-grade fever
  • Mononucleosis - is a viral infection, also known as mono, that causes fever, sore throat, and swollen glands


Fever in Infants & Children

A fever in children and infants is considered to be when the body temperature is 100.4° F or higher.
There are many reasons that your child may be running a fever, such as immunizations,
infections or even just overdressing, especially if they are very young.
It is important to contact the child’s primary care provider (pediatrician) if a fever is present.

Call a doctor if your child is an infant (under three months) and has a temperature taken with
a rectal thermometer of 100.4° F or higher, or if your child is older and has a temperature of 102.2° F.

Also call if the child is older and that temperature is combined with:

  • A change of behavior such as not drinking or eating
  • Dehydration symptoms such as lack of tears or trips to the bathroom
  • Stomach issues such as vomiting or diarrhea
  • Has a specific ailment such as ear or throat pain
  • 24 hours of the fever and symptoms
  • Has a chronic medical condition or a rash

Go to the emergency department if your child has:

  • The inability to stop crying
  • A rash that resembles bruising
  • Seizures
  • More difficulty than normal when trying to wake up and trouble moving
  • Moderate or severe abdominal pain
  • Drooling
  • Severe headache or stiff neck
  • Blue extremities
  • Trouble breathing

This list is not inclusive of all possible medical emergencies. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 and seek immediate medical attention.


Our ER Location | Key West

Lower Keys Medical Center

5900 College Blvd
Key West, Florida 33040

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Emergency Symptoms

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Abdominal Pain

The types, severity & causes of stomach pain range from mild to life-threatening. View our list of emergent symptoms & know when to go to the ER.

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High Fever

While most fevers are caused by the body fighting an infection, there can be many other causes. View symptoms & know when to go to the ER.

View Emergent Symptoms


There are many possible causes for the feelings of dizziness, weakness and confusion. View symptoms & know when to go to the ER.

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Chest Pain

While not always heart-related, some causes of chest pain, such as a heart attack, can be life threatening. View possible causes of chest pain and know when to go to the ER.

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